2023 was one of my most productive years so far. Here are some data, for anybody that thinks things like that are interesting.
- I made 12 DJ-mixes
- Three original tunes were released, incl. supporting remixes
- Two collabs were released, with the very talented John Keding
- Two remixes by me were released
- My music was found on five mixes/compilations on Spotify and Beatport
- My music was played by DJs around the world, like Sanjay Dutta, Marc Denuit and Paul Thomas
- Four tunes were charted on Beatport
- One tune, my remix of Promethean made it to #1 on the chart for Beatport Progressive House Releases
So, what is up for 2024? Well, several tunes, collabs, and remixes have already been signed and are slated for release in 2024, on labels like ICONYC and Krafted. As usual, I will continue to make a new DJ mix every month. And finally, of course, I will try to produce more interesting music for you to enjoy on a dancefloor near you. :)
As always, you can stream my music on Spotify, and download my music on Beatport.